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viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Sweet wench

Fuck honey!!!:

In the best sense of my words                                  
I tell you this with a big smile in my face... Yes, of course, i´m nervous but never mind. Even i can tell you that i like it.. I love it because is what i wanted for a long time..

Fuck- i think when see your fingers on the keyboard and i want be your silver ring.
I was looking for you, for this waiting... I needed stop and for the first time feel before to act.

But is enought for me. I can feel somethig extrange that tell me the two feel the same. I think that you are like me, that you like let go by your instincts.. come on! let's go!

Fuck when you go to the bathroom and i can see your back or when i sensed your look at me.
Fuck because you're perfect and you don´t know how much.. Fuck because i love your new fb profile picture and i want watch this eyes some many times more live, often, always...

I want that this is the last email for you, because i have a lot of postcard anonymous with smiles for you and i can´t give it to you...  but i don´t promise you nothing...

I don´t ask you anything, but i would like to know, again, if you know (and have you already in your life) someone special like you.. Maybe i´m wrong but i see you crestfallen,, Why??? If you are what any dreamy madman between the madmen wants---

I think that maybe you need a spark!!!

Well fuck you it´s what i wish you :) yes,, i would prefer stay there but i wish you the best in any way..

Best wishes, kiss and fuck you

Pd: My only wrench is telling the truth

All that i want tell you is "I wanna do bad thigs with you!!! 

Tell: me too :)

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